- JRuby (currently supporting version 1.7.x)
Recommended: Use RVM to install and manage all Ruby (and JRuby) versions on your machine.
- RubyGems
Because Pacer runs on top of JRuby, it runs on any operating system that can run JRuby - Linux, Windows and OS X.
Install RVM:
$ gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
$ \curl -sSL | bash -s stable
If you already have RVM installed, you may want to update it to the latest version:
Note: After the installation completes, you will need to source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
before you can use RVM from your console.
Use RVM to install JRuby:
Switch RVM to use JRuby (optionally setting it to be default):
$ rvm use --default jruby
Install Pacer
Verify Installation
We can verify that Pacer was properly installed, using the IRB (Ruby's interactive shell):
$ irb
jruby-1.7.19 :001 > require 'pacer'
=> true
That's it, you're good to go.
Tip: Windows users may find it more convenient to use jirb_swing
, instead of running IRB in the built-in CMD terminal.